Hello everyone, 

Although the past few days have been rough due to me becoming ill and feeling as though I would have no funny content to share for this week, it was resolved after last nights showing of "Studprod: A Sextuplet Feature". I wrote a script called "Jersey Day" about a couple from New Jersey saving a soccer team from a massive loss, and I directed a script called "Crayons" written by Junior Nathaniel Wiesbrook (B). As I sat in the very back of the North Attic overlooking the crowd I wondered if anybody would understand the humor in both my directing and my writing. 

Crayons was the first show featured. Off the bat, I retained some chuckles from the audience. I was so proud of the actors for remembering their lines and stage movements. By the end of the script, I felt as though I was watching something brand new rather than something I directed, which was awesome. 

The next show was the one I wrote, "Jersey Day". It was incredible to see how Fallon (a Junior) interpreted the script and directed it. The audience was cackling at some of the punchlines and it was an incredible feeling to have. 

So although I was met with adversity earlier in the week due to illness, it was alleviated by a beautiful showcase of my hard work manifest through the theatrical dedication of Uni underclassmen. I would call that a comedic job well done. 

*UPDATE* The campus improv group, AND the champaign stand-up coordinator have ghosted me. It's all good, I'm definitely not mad. If you want something done, you just have to do it yourself. Just wait and see what I have in store... 

Until next week, xoxox



  1. Boo improv group and stand-up coordinator. They don't know what they're missing! Enjoying the blog -- onward!

  2. I went to stud-prod on Thursday, and it was sooo good!!!! I agree with Dr. Moffitt, but don't worry, in a few years when you're a renowned comedian they'll be begging for you to perform with them.

  3. i thoroughly enjoyed the jersey day skit, fabulous work! i myself have never been to new jersey, but i think that is what people from the state would act like probably


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