
Showing posts from December, 2022

Accepting having a personality much to the disdain of some people

This week, as I reflect on my blog, I came to the realization that I have always been mentally blogging funny things. I have offered a small glimpse into my mind these past 7 weeks that I had kept to myself for 17 years. My brain holds great regard to humor, and I wouldn't have it any other way.  Humor is subjective, and my humor is certainly not transcendent to every individual. I understand that some people would struggle to understand the things I find funny, just like I might not understand some else's sense of humor.  With that being said, I think it's important to be kind.  Epictetus once said: "Forgive others for their misdeeds over and over again. This gesture fosters inner ease."  I will focus on actually doing an open mic one day.  I probably should've written a blog on Stoicism.   xoxo Zoya 

Don't talk to me before I've had my coffee...

I was on a walk with my acquaintance and we went to espresso in Grainger and I saw "dirty chai" on the menu.  Who decided to name a coffee drink "dirty chai"???? Why is it dirty? It's coffee.... Like oh you're yearning for a coffee that likes to roll around in dirt and wash their hands annually? How about a dirty chai?  Oh- you want CHAI?  Sorry.. we only have this special brew....We designed this brew to encompass unwashed 20 year old P.E. jerseys and a frat house!  It's called dirty chai! Do you want??? Only $5 for a cup of dirtiness.  *AND I still haven't forgotten about the Unicorn Frappucino.... Get real people this is consumerism and it is making monsters out of coffee beans.   More of a rant than funny, but oh well.  Zoya

Running out of the funny

 Hey guys,  I have hit a funny-road-block. Funny things happened this week for sure, but I have no funny content that I can say I cultivated. To compensate, I'll share funny out of context moments from the show I'm currently watching: Arrested Development.                                                                                                                                             Next week is new week.  xoxo  Zoya